Only need to commit certain files to Github? .gitignore to the rescue

There may be certain files which you may not want to commit to Github — in these cases, you can designate the omitted files in a .gitignore file. Follow along in these two easy steps.
Open terminal and once you are in the folder with your Github repo ->
# create a .gitignore filetouch .gitignore# OR you can choose to use nano which will create the file (if it doesn't already exist and directly open for editing - very handy)nano .gitignore
Within the .gitignore file add the file that you want to ignore.
# for example - I want my Python virtual environment to be ignored from my commit. Within the file, I've added streamlitVenv/

Follow the prompts on the bottom, to Exit (^X) and Save.
Next time you commit, the specified files will not be part of your commit.